الأحد، 1 فبراير 2015

9- Choinergic agonists questions

ان شاء الله الأسئلة دى متضمنه ال 3 المحاضرات دول 

اللى هيقراهم ان شاء الله يحل الأسئلة بسهولة جدا
و يا ريت تكتبوا الاجابات فى كومنت 

Choose the one best answer
 1st ques 
patient with acute attack  of glaucoma is treated with Pilocarpine
the primary reason for its effectiveness in this condition is

a- action to terminate actylecholinestrase
b- selectivity for nicotinic receptors
c- ability to inhibit secretions, such as tears, saliva and sweat
d- ability to lower intraocular pressure
e- inability to enter the brain

2nd ques
A soldier's unit has come under attack with a nerve agent 
 the symptoms exhibited is  skeletal muscule paralysis, profuse 
bronchial secretion, miosis, bradycadia and convulsions
the alarm indicates exposure to an organophosphate .
what is the correct treatment?
a- do nothing tell you can confirm the nature of the nerve agent
b- admisister atropine, and attempt to confirm the nature of the nerve agent
c- administer atropine and pralidoxime
 d- administer pralidoxime

3ed ques
A patient on a diagnostic test for myasthenia grvis administer
a- Donepezil
b - Edrophonium
c- Atropine
d- Ecothiophate
e- Neostigmine

4th ques
The drug of choice to treat decreased salivation accompanying 
head and neck irradiation is
a- Physostigmine
b- Scopalamine
c- Carbachol
d- Acetylcholine
e- Pilocarpine

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